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hughjass85 last won the day on December 7 2017

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About hughjass85

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    LB Lover

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  1. hughjass85

    Omni Hotel criticised on LGBT issues

    I am looking at this as a challenge. A challenge to find the most passable LB in BKK and get her past reception without getting the "letter treatment" Game on!
  2. hughjass85

    Current STD clinics

    I've used the Red Cross place before...highly recommended. Get off at Ratchadamri Station and then it's about a 600m walk (look for the 2 big water towers). After the first visit you get a card so you can skip a lot of the paperwork for the next visit. Results were sent to my email.
  3. hughjass85


    Free vpn chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/safervpn-free-vpn-privacy/cocfojppfigjeefejbpfmedgjbpchcng?hl=en
  4. hughjass85

    Taxi booking apps for BKK

    Yes but still cheap and worth it. Even if I am out on the turps on Sukhumvit with normal taxis everywhere I still order a grabcar so I can go back home in comfort.
  5. hughjass85

    Tapatalk App Not Working

    Awesome...It's working! Thanks to whoever did what
  6. hughjass85

    Tapatalk App Not Working

    18 months later and still fucked for me...How bout you guys?
  7. hughjass85

    Taxi booking apps for BKK

    I always use it when I am there. I get the private cars(Grab Car)...not the normal taxis. Always nice unmarked cars with leather seats and drivers who speak fluent English.
  8. Probably an ad blocker or flash problem. 1)Use another browser 2)Use a disposable email like https://www.guerrillamail.com/
  9. hughjass85

    Tapatalk App Not Working

    I have the same problem Davvvid. Have not been able to log onto the forum with Tapatalk for months.
  10. hughjass85


    I've used purevpn on both computer and phone..works great. The cost is about $8USD / month. Make sure you cancel the autocharge if you use paypal for any of the vpns as most like to debit your account every month automatically.
  11. hughjass85


  12. hughjass85

    OTS's Hotel reviews

    Not working OTS :
  13. hughjass85

    Taxi booking apps for BKK

    Spill the beans Son!
  14. hughjass85

    Phachara Suites

    I like these self contained places where you can do your own cooking and washing etc. Thanks for a great review Jeimii. Edit: Just checking out their website. I like the virtual tour they have: http://bangkokin360.com/virtualtour/phacharasuites/003/
  15. hughjass85

    Siam Paragon Theater

    Here is a good link I have bookmarked for VIP movie theatres http://bk.asia-city.com/city-living/news/bangkok-best-vip-cinemas