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About lbshagger

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  1. lbshagger

    DOXY pep & PrEP together?

    Recent article about taking DoxyPEP from 26th April this year. Looks like some specialists in some countries are now questioning whether or not it is a good idea. The initial reaction was positive but now concerns are being raised about drug resistance and the efficacy of it. A bit of a read and gets a bit technical, but it may be a useful read if you need to see any information before you decide to take it. I admit I did not read through it all as I have no intention of using it. Might help some. Dissent on doxyPEP: recent guidelines becoming more cautious | aidsmap
  2. It is common to have stomach issues with regimes containing Tenofovir. Mine kicked in about 10 days and persisted for about 4-5 weeks. Then my stomach was used to it and I have no problems now.
  3. lbshagger

    Grand Center Point Hotel Terminal 21

    @Ross77 I did indeed enter at the doors furthest away from the desk. If memory serves me correctly at the time there was also a small door close to the lifts with direct access to T21. The Japanese style toilets did my head in, a degree in computer science was needed just to flush.
  4. lbshagger

    Grand Center Point Hotel Terminal 21

    Stayed there may years back and took ladyboys without an issue. Never needed to approach the reception desk on entry, security never requested an ID card. The lifts to the rooms was not close to the reception desk. A different security guard or receptionist may have a different view but the hotel policy then was not against them.
  5. lbshagger

    Dynasty inn soi 4

    Dynasty Inn, a wander down memory lane. Use to always use the building at the back. Must be nearly 30 years ago. Stopped using it when Dynasty Grande opened on soi 6. But looking at your photos I will give the Dynasty Inn another try. Especially as there is no restaurant service yet at the Dynasty Grande. How much per night please if you don't mind me asking?
  6. lbshagger

    CIB Incident

    A question that gets asked a lot on the Poz.com forum. I will give the standard answer here that they give over there. Absolutely no HIV risk whatsoever. The protein coating on the virus deteriorates upon contact with the air, sweat, spit and and anything else., so even if the virus RNA itself is intact it cannot enter your cells and replicate so it just dies. Unless her cock went inside your arse or your cock went in hers, you had no exposure. It is very hard to transmit HIV, other STI's are a different subject. Much easier to transmit. Just get yourself screened for STI's as per any sensible schedule, but I would not worry about HIV from this encounter.
  7. lbshagger

    Immigration queues BKK?

    Yes, Dark Side of Pattaya, Jomtien end. Friday afternoon with the music festival on. I was very surprised. Good airport service and roads.
  8. lbshagger

    Immigration queues BKK?

    Arrived back yesterday at 4 pm. After arriving at immigration I would say less than 5 minutes and I was through. The walk to immigration took longer. Good to see it has all been revamped. Many desks open, no queues. The baggage was fast, no long wait for the first bag to come through. I think all in all from the time I got to immigration it was less than 15 minutes and I was in a taxi. Walking through my front door before 6 pm. Less than two hours from touch down to home is a record.
  9. Thanks for that, Sukhumvit Square, it would have never came back to me. That article mentions Clinton Plaza also. Another failure, the last thing you needed halfway up Sukhumvit between Nana Plaza and the Cowboy was another gogo bar area. The Dolls House was about the only one in there that was worth a visit. All fond memories now.
  10. I remember it, a mate of mine ran a bar at the back. Partnered with a policeman obviously so he made no money at all. I can't for the life of me remember the name but I do remember it coming and down and being cleared overnight. Magnificent piece of military logistics. Not that there were any witnesses.
  11. lbshagger

    Pulse Clinic - ASOK!

    Teno-EM/Truvada can impact Kidney function if taken for extended periods. Unless you have underlying Kidney issues they return to normal once you stop. Tafer-EM/Descovy can impact bad Cholesterol levels and has been shown to cause weight gain. The benefits of Descovy over Truvada are disputed in various tests. Not as clear cut Gilead made out. Teno-EM contains the exact same drugs as Truvada and the Thai government facility that manufacturers it is WHO approved. The quality control is high. Do not let that concern you.
  12. lbshagger

    Pulse Clinic - ASOK!

    Tafero-EM is Generic Descovy, which is approved for PrEP. Ask them for Teno-EM. That is the locality made generic form of Truvada. It should be half the price. As a general rule of thumb even in Thailand anti-retroviral medication is controlled and not readily available at many outlets. There will probably be some out there though.
  13. lbshagger

    5-Star Hotels Nearest To NANA PLAZA

    No problems, no extra fees involved. I don't even register them at reception. Just walk straight to the lift.
  14. lbshagger

    5-Star Hotels Nearest To NANA PLAZA

    I use the JW Marriott. Excellent hotel. Short walk to Nana, good service, get a suite at the back and you can see Nana Plaza, but not hear it.
  15. lbshagger

    Blowjobs & Mouth Ulcers

    The 2 groups are the recently infected and the people who have clinical aids. The 1 in 2500 figure was one I had read and swore by. I belive it applies to people who have past the initial high viral load whose bodies are still strong and suppressing the virus. Only since my infection did I really start looking and reading. I found sites, medical sites which quoted that figure and then asked the retorical question, if HIV is so hard to catch why is it still around. They then answered it by explaing about viral load in newly infected people and people in the later stage, aids. Not sure how they worked it out but the figures I found said the chances of contracting the virus increased by between 26 and 50 times. That brings the 1 in 2500 down to a sobering 1 in 50. Luck plays its part in all of this, mine ran out sometime in the past 12 months, been doing it over 20 years. Life is for living and you have to be yourself and enjoy it. I may have possibly done things differently had I seen the worst possible scenario odds though, hard to say in hindsight.