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Ropey last won the day on August 4 2021

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About Ropey

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    LB Mogul

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    public venues

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  1. AFAIK only one that does is My Lady Fashion Hotel. It's only one I've ever been to that has requested passport.
  2. Ropey

    Arriving In Bkk And Need Taxi?

    Grab is banned AFAIK, but I just book them to collect me from the drop off at departure and have never had a problem doing that. The current issue is not enough taxis being available at the airport for the amount of passengers arriving at the moment.
  3. Ropey

    New UK Airline coming soon

    Yeah, it's written like it's a high school project
  4. Ropey

    Dynasty Grande

    I drove past it 2 weeks back, it was closed. But that's as much as I know. Perhaps it's for good as many hotels are open again already for those that survived covid.
  5. Ropey

    Some Recommendations Please

    I don't know much about these, but if you happen to be wanting to save money on glasses, Malaysia seems to be the best place, most people I know here who need glasses shop in Malaysia for them rather than Thailand.
  6. Ropey

    Chiang Rai

    Yeah you can do that as you have described. Probably need only 30-45 minutes at the attraction itself, depends how photo trigger happy you are. Imo it's not worth it, from memory it's not even a working temple, just an art exhibit, at the time I went precovid it was a conveyer belt setup of tourist busses unloading and reloading tourists through it - the busiest place in CR by a long shot. The artist who made it has the whole top floor of MOCA in Bkk dedicated to his work, it is interesting and worth a visit too.
  7. Ropey

    So far,so good,so what?

    From what I read from others, you can use your own kit (7/11 sell them for about 100 baht, ask for ATK test as that's what it's known as here) and you need to upload the photo of the results to the morchana app.
  8. Yes, they go both directions. The mrt doesn't accept rabbit card however, they are owned by a different entity to the BTS.
  9. Ropey

    Sidegra – Generic Viagra

    Prescriptions are supposed to be required for them, but many local pharmacy's will sell them over the counter (if they stock them, which is not that common outside Red Light areas), Boots and etc won't. Took me a while to find a shop that stocked it near to me, but now I buy it at a locally for 280 baht a pack without prescription (the 100mg as its the same price as 50mg), but then cut a tablet into 5-6 smaller pieces as I just use it as a performance enhancer occasionally, it does that job well and I get no side effects. In the past I would get it from Sukhumvit because it was easy to find, but the price was around 550baht and its quite far from where I live, so a PIA to get too.
  10. Generally short time hotels don't require ID, if you're worried about being spotted heading in together, you can always just go get the room and have her meet you once youre in by sending her the room number. I've never been to that one, so cant comment about it specifically though.
  11. Drove past the other day, the gas station and buildings surrounding it including the ladyboy restaurant have been demolished.
  12. The review process has ceased since the borders closed. Because the criteria includes things like an on the ground trip report, hotel review etc generally being able to help others based on your reports which can't really happen at the moment. Fingers crossed for March, Thailand is experiencing a wave of infections currently and Thai logic dictates some random OTT policies will be introduced in the coming weeks.
  13. What if your basement catches fire and burns the lot?
  14. Not quite, looks like Phuket is open for minimum of 30 day stays. (includes 2 weeks of quarantine though and you probably need another 2 weeks on return to Oz)
  15. Ropey

    Paradiso Suites near CIB

    Probably what Markm said. Loads of hotels are closed in Bangkok at the moment.