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DHANA last won the day on August 5 2021

DHANA had the most liked content!


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    LB Lover

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  1. Even better..... https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68609297
  2. Thanks. I will take a look at the Pattaya forum.
  3. Hi all, One of the requirements of a non immigrant O retirement visa is to have 800,000 baths security deposit in a Thai bank for at least two months before even applying for a visa. Couple of questions I have: 1) Can I just open an online account in Thailand and start wiring money? Anyone trustworthy that you recommend ? Seems difficult to do if one has no physical address in Thailand. 2) I read that Bangkok Bank has a branch in NYC (and London). Can I open an account in the NYC branch and have it wired to a Thai account instead of the above? Thanks for any suggestions.