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Posts posted by DeepnHard

  1. As may be obvious, Thailand has never been colonized, so their beer taste isn't European. Of the surrounding countries I find Thailand makes the worst beer (bland taste as well as the most expensive). Compare Thai beer to Cambodian, Laotian, or Vietnamese (all French colonies). Poor stuff. Indonesian and Malay beer is better too, in my experience. (Everything else is great, though :))


    I am just curious, when you talking oral sex, this only BJ or cum in the mouth? I do oral sex or sucking always without condom - of course -, but never let cum to my mouth. I think this can be the high risk. I don't think after Listerine will be enough solution.

    I'm pretty slutty orally. Rimming is what I've got sick on a couple of times, but that's rare (parasites). I suck and swallow too. (As gay sites point out, don't let the cum linger in your mouth: "spit or swallow, don't wallow").


    Cumming in mouth is usually low risk, unless you have sores in your mouth (that are bleeding, say) or gums that are bleeding.


    Then, there's the initial phase of HIV where the HIV count is something like 50 times what it would normally be. This is the first 3 months or so (my understanding, may be longer). During that time, there's more risk of course, though I think with a tight mouth (no bleeding) it's still pretty safe.


    But then I'm 70 and not as afraid of dying as I once was. :)

  3. Right. There's a lot of fakery going around. And go to a legit testing place to, if you want to walk her in for a test. Some are paid off by the girls. Don't go to a place *she* suggests.


    I played out this scenario in Cambodia and took the girl to my doc, not hers. Positive for both HIV and Hep B.

  4. But an untreatable gonorrhea has emerged....




    ...and I've heard from a BM here that the current HIV treatment drugs don't *always* work either (he recently buried a friend).


    An instant cheap STD diagnosis would be really nice, like a 10 second swab of the arm that would tell whether either of you had anything to fear. I really *hate* to fuck with condoms.

  5. But if you are on PrEP that shouldn't be an issue... better than wearing a mouth condom :Yuk:

    You probably know this, but apparently oral sex in the first few months with people who've just gotten HIV can be quite dangerous. The HIV oral concentration goes up by something like 50 times. After a few months, the virus concentration drops to where oral sex isn't much of a hazard again.


    Good point about PrEP. I bought some about 4 months ago but haven't used it at all since my sexual encounters (at 70) aren't exactly numerous or planned. One or two times a month is about my average. I used to love to roll cum around my mouth like fine wine, savoring every molecule but since our man from Pattaya (who got HIV orally) clued us in, I've been careful to swallow it quickly, since I permanently have minor oral bleeding on one side of my mouth.

  6. occupational hazard, having those veneers knocked out while sucking too much cock eh Lotus? :)

    LB cum is known to be good for the teeth. And I try to gargle with it before swallowing too. :) (I'm just joking. The advice on HIV forums is to swallow quickly or spit it out...so that possible HIV viruses won't enter the body through small lesions in the mouth. (Same same, advice of not brushing your teeth before a LB encounter where you'll be swallowing cum. Brushing can create small temporary lesions (holes).

  7. hmm, I'm afraid I'm going to have to wait... 30yr will probably not get me qualified as an elderly for the fast track ;)

    Just come in on crutches. I'm serious. I don't need them but I always carry a collapsible set for easy access :) (just joking, I'm still a backpacker at 70 and my light pack is just filled with condoms anyway).

  8. what is the age for 'elderly' in Thailand?

    When you can't get it up anymore?


    I remember the specter of octogenarians clattering down the streets of Florida suburbs on their "walkers", with boners projecting through their hospital robes, terrorizing the local women, thanks to Viagra and testosterone shots. A bit like a zombie flick.

  9. Here's a Thai reddit forum on the topic:






    Personally I see Dr. Pissnu at Mission Hospital, and have been for 10 years. He's very good and very thorough, a periodontist though, which may not be what you're looking for. Generally I've found the dentists there excellent and relatively cheap (I also had a girlfriend who had a tooth replaced successfully). There are lots of dentists in Thailand who charge through the nose and aren't very good either. And they'll always recommend the most expensive way to do things. With Pissnu (love the name), he always gives you a choice: "Well, there's a cheap way to do this which works about 70% of the time and a much more expensive way that works 95% of the time." I always go for the cheap option and have never had a problem. A cleaning with him is about 900B, but keep in mind that he's a periodontist, so it would be less with a non-specialist there.


    Mission Hospital is part of the 7th Day Adventist Hospitals. They're justly famous for their dental work. I haven't gone there for anything else though. I had a partial denture put in by them up in Chiang Mai in 2003 for $150. I asked my US dentist to look at it. He said it was excellent with quality materials. "How much it would be in the US": $1500.

  10. >> (not with a suitcase though. I'm still a 70 yo backpecker)


    At least you are not one of the 'beg-packers' we hear so much about these days. 555

    ("That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest" -- Thoreau never made it on the LB scene.)


    But I'm just a "beg-pecker" going around bars begging gurls to fuck me.

  11. I do a mix. Sometimes BKK is paralyzed. Sometimes I've gotten out of a BKK cab stuck for 20 minutes in traffic and walked the rest of the way. (not with a suitcase though. I'm still a 70 yo backpecker). Being a born cheapskate (um, "Thoreau disciple") helps.


    One thing, if you've lived here long enough you know the best ways of getting around at different times a day. A lot of times I'll take the very funky canal boats, the absolute quickest (and cheapest at 12 baht) way to get from Banglampoo (home) to Nana. Other times it's taxi or river boat (Chao Praya river) or even motorbikes, the drivers who are oblivious to traffic jams (wear your helmet and knee pads :) ). The only form of transportation here I almost never take are songtaows (ripoffs, usually rude, and out to screw touristos).


    I get away with much of this because I'm retired and live there, and carry a backpack at the very most (but usually just a bellybag).

  12. that works also at suvarnabhumi

    From Suvarnabhumi you avoid taxis and traffic altogether and take the uber cheap and fast train from the airport to Phaya Thai BTS station, and another 15 minutes on the BTS to Nana stop. (It would be a hassle of course with tons of luggage).

  13. At 3:30 pm, you would stall some in rush hour so maybe the cheapo bus to the BTS is OK unless you've got a lot of luggage. It certainly would be cheaper by maybe 200B than the taxi and might be considerably faster too if you're coming in on a weekday unless you've got more than you want to carry.

  14. >>> Udon, might be of use to you if you are travelling.


    All my hotels are guest friendly at time of visiting.

    Always wanted to make it up to Udon. A long way. There are a number of LBs on TF living up there. An opportunity to try them out before they move to BKK and get all sophisticated and pumped-up (breastwise) in the Big City. "See them wild in their natural habitat" as the nature videos say.


    And if they're on TF, there are probably LBs bars up in Udon, no? (10 farmers and a lonely ladybody?)

  15. In general, it's better to get a popular device and operating system because if you have a problem there'll be lots of info on how to solve it for free on the web. The less popular the platform, the less info is available and the more you'll be dependent on your local service center. That's one of the reasons I chose Android, but Chomebooks are very popular and people seem to like them. (Just my personal opinion, but I'd stay away from anything made by Microsoft.)

  16. Anyone give me a glue as the simplest tablet etc for replacing desktop or laptop.

    Used for general surfing, emailing, watching movies etc.

    Powerful but no need for gaming etc.

    Ipad or surface pro maybe?

    I'd buy a good Android tablet. Android is a much freer environment than Apple products, and there's a million quality apps, mostly free or at least dirt cheap. Something like 80% of the cell phone market is now Android. Can't help you with a tablet though. I have an LG Android cell phone, but not much difference in function really. I'd look through reviews of cell phones on reddit. The younger folks know what's going on with electronics.


    eg, enter something like this in a google search box: (say if I were interested in a samsung tablet). "site", etc narrows down the search to reddit only.


    tablet samsung site:reddit.com
