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luv u long time

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luv u long time last won the day on September 26 2010

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About luv u long time

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    LB 3sum Addict

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  1. luv u long time


    Great to hear mate. Thanks for the update.
  2. luv u long time

    has anyone caught an std?

    My claim to fame for STI's was wayyy back in the day, circa 1998. I was fucking GG's bareback like a young stud muffin fucking idiot. Always went with good intentions, but my drunk horn usually got the better of the moment and I was 'yee haaaa'. Always got checked when I came back though......and.......always clear HOWEVER, did the usual after a trip (possibly 5 impromptu bareback sessions). Got tested at home and negative. Next session was about 6 weeks later with a stunning British bird (she did part time modelling and I was punching wayyyy above my weight!) that I met in a club. 2 weeks later, my pubes (come on it was 1998 !) were infested with lice and peeing razor blades. Turns out this bird gave me a total of 3 different STI's and crabs. Thankfully all cleared up with a short course of pills. Just goes to show you though, you just never know who's going to poison your wee fella !! I always bag up now
  3. luv u long time

    Ambassador Hotel Sukhumvit

    This is quite a dated hotel. Very old and never been refurbished to modern standards/decor. It is LB friendly and is in a nice part of town, lots happening around Soi 11 and 13 and a 10 minute walk to Soi 4 / Nana. Thermae Bar is at the top of the road if you fancy some freelance GGs. If its booked and paid for, then enjoy it. You should hopefully just be needing the hotel to sleep and shag
  4. luv u long time

    Transfering photos from iphone 5 to new ipad

    Airdrop works perfectly well. Just switch it on on both devices. Tick all the images you want transferred, click on the user you want to transfer to from the host device and voi la, xferred in seconds. I personally wouldn't sync all devices if there are partners/kids in the house. You just never know when iMessage/emails may get shared to another mobile device and read by the wrong person
  5. luv u long time

    Hacker attacked the forum?

    What a fuck up !!
  6. luv u long time

    Hacker attacked the forum?

    Hey bud, Im not sure I've got your sentence right or not. But Mods and Admin take care of the forum software daily maintainance stuff. If there is a corruption in the software architecture, then Invision (software authors) need to fix it. If its a problem with the data on the forum, it is usually the server people who need to fix it. The server companies are normally completely independent of Invision, Mods and Admins. But Im not 100% sure about the new owners set-up with the server folks. But accessing server data management is not something a Mod or Admin would even attempt to look at. Cheers LULT
  7. luv u long time

    Accor Group Supersale

    Forgot to say, when you check into Grand Suk Hotel, ask if there are any upgrades to the Suite Rooms. I have been to this hotel about 8 times and have been given an upgrade every time. The rooms in the suites are miles better than the standard ones. Well worth the question.
  8. luv u long time

    Accor Group Supersale

    100% BOLLOCKS !! I think they send this out so as to deter mongers in the hotel. I have walked in with 3 LBs once and on several occassions, 1s and 2s a couple of times a day. You need to walk past the reception desk to get to the suite rooms and you never get challenged once. I remember reading about one guy where they tried it. He asked for them to show him on their ACCOR website, the terms and conditions where you need to pay 1000 baht for another guest to come into your room!! Its a global chain, so they will NEVER get drawn into saying, "If you want to bring a prostitute into your room, we will charge you 1000 baht". So are they saying if I came into your room for a beer before going out drinking, they will charge you 1000 baht??? Nonsense. What the guy did was that he said he will pay the 1000 baht if the hotel manager writes on headed paper with what he was proposing that the guest pay and the reasons behind it. The whole thing was quickly ignored and no joiner fee requested. They are fecking at it. Just make sure your reservation is for 2 people and then you will be fine.
  9. luv u long time

    Hacker attacked the forum?

    SM, when it happened in the past, it was 100% a server issue. Its when they move stuff about on routine maintenance of the server to balance the data load. the data is sometimes gets out of sync and one error can stop the flow of the viewing experience for the front end user. It is only the server guys that sort this issue. The trouble we had in the past was that the server guy was a knob-head who blamed the software and the software blamed the server guy. Invision software is the best out there and run millions of forums. So when they changed the server guy....guess what.....the forum worked ! As you say, these issues are quite corrosive to the loyalty of the BM and quite rightly so. I have no concerns that the images will be missing. They are there.
  10. luv u long time

    Accor Group Supersale

    I was about to post this. I think the Accor group are amazing, especially when the sale is on. If you guys can get the Accor Grand Sukhumvit, Soi 6 Suk Rd for around 2000 baht.....take it, take it, take it.
  11. luv u long time

    Hacker attacked the forum?

    The two issues could be totally unrelated. I have no idea what happened with the "Shame On You" front page bug, but that has obviously been sorted. However, the avators and pics not showing is a common fault on ALL forums. It often happens when the server techy guys move stuff about to share the loading process on their servers. It can sometimes put shit out of sync and it needs a bit of tinkering by the geeks in the know. Just an opinion, not saying the above are facts for the current situation.
  12. luv u long time

    3g/4g Recommendation

    I've always used Dtac and True. Never had any problems. There is no 4G connection in Thailand, however the 3G connection is super-strong. I was having Video calls in the street with no problems whatsover, both in Bangkok and northern Thailand.
  13. Totally agree SM, if anyone was to going to stay here, it would need to be about the 900-1000 baht rate. Any more then you are looking at Royal Ivory, thereafter, Ibis, thereafter.....200 odd hotels that are miles better than Nana.
  14. Hopefully I can be credible ! The hotel was last refurbished in 1980 and was doing a roaring trade for 20 years. Alas, this has had a wearing effect on it all and is now very tired and old looking. It is clean enough, but there is just too much competition for similar money in this area to be choosing Nana Hotel.
  15. thanks for this mate. I think this hotel is pretty much an institution where it was THE place to go about 10-15 years ago when it had the fantastic nightclub in its ground floor/basement area. When that closed, ithe hotel became ghost-like with only the returning trade from yesteryears propping up the coffers. Its amazing that it is still there (and trading!) as this surely cannot be turning a profit. Its competition that is surrounding its every angle is by far uber-superior to what Nana Hotel is able to provide. Thanks for the review though. It brought back happy horny memories