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Everything posted by tungeteaser

  1. tungeteaser

    MAXIM'S INN soi 7/1

    Hello to all BM's I've been reading over the board & been thinking for my 8 day stay in BKK to stay in Maxim's Inn.I've understand that it was just renovated, was hoping if anyone has stayed there recently and could advise which room to request to get good wifi, and privacy. any help will be appreciated Tungeteaser
  2. tungeteaser

    Taipei layover customs/immigration

    Sklow thanks for taking the time & info
  3. I know this is short notice but has anyone recently had a layover in Taipei? Can you tell me you experiences. I will be arriving Tuesday 6 Nov. 0610 am till 0840am. Anything bout 2nd check thru customs/immigration. thanks for any info in advance Tungeteaser
  4. tungeteaser

    BTS vs Taxi's

    Hi all BM's, I know this maybe a stupid/newbie question, But I was planning to actually do some sight seeing during the day. so I was wondering what is better to do just pay for taxi's or use the BTS. I used the BTS last year & it wasn't that confusing. Because of the flooding/first time, I did not get around much. So I payed by the trip. I was thinking of either of getting a smart pass or day pass? I guess my question is which the best option for a newbie traveling alone? I will be staying BKK Nov 6th - 14th
  5. tungeteaser

    MAXIM'S INN soi 7/1

    FM, Thanks for your comment will post I review when I get there. When I arrive & if your in town 1st beer on me ok!