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Everything posted by tony

  1. So, got my tickets to BKK in April, its gonna be hooot, so a pool would be lovely. I'm on a tight budget, so looking for a cheap LB friendly hotel as near as possible to NEP. Gonna be just 2-3 days and then of to explore the rest of Thailand... NEP-INN was recommended to me on this forum, but they don't seem to have a pool, they are just 800Baht a night, and thats cheap in NANA if i got it right. OR, optionally, could I use a pool at some hotel for a fee? Oh, this might sound like a stupid Q but where EXACTLY is NEP Found a site with this GPS cord. N13°44.492’, E100°33.187’ Is this right? Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=+N13%C2%B044.492%E2%80%99,+E100%C2%B033.187%E2%80%99&sll=41.202966,-7.23242&sspn=33.525235,70.751953&ie=UTF8&z=16 EDIT: Swiss Park Hotel Hotel Renovation Plan - The hotel will be temporary closed for refurbishment in March 2010 - The hotel will be rebranded, target to complete in August 2010
  2. tony

    Cheap Hotel With Pool Near Nep

    I thought I'd just go there, its in mid April, so I thought they would have room... So I should reserve a room?
  3. tony

    Cheap Hotel With Pool Near Nep

    I was kind of expecting the 1500Baht range, but hoping there would be exeptions... I guess its NAP-INN for us them...